Thursday, 12 April 2012


Postal Directorate has issued Rotational Transfer guidelines for the year 2012-13 for all cadres in the Department of Posts except IPoS Group A vide letter no 141-91/2012-SPB.II dated 02.4.2012.


Monday, 2 April 2012

(Service union under Dept. of Posts)

R. K. TANDAN                                         P. A. MHATRE                              K. R. DATE
President                                                General Secretary                     Treasurer
ICO (SB) New Hydrabad PO                SBCO, Mahim HO                  SBCO Chembur HO
Lucknow- 226 007                                 Mumbai 400 016                        Mumbai 400 071
Cell 9415025900                                    9818188067                                9892863647

Bulletin No 04                                                                                           Dated 23.03.2012

All Circle Secretaries, Office Bearers and Members,

           On behalf of Circle and Central working committee I wish all of you best wishes for Hindu New Year and Gudi Padva festival.
           Our Central Working Committee Meeting is scheduled to be held at Ambaji (Gujarat Circle) from date 23.05.2012 to 24.05.2012. This place is about 25 K. M. from Abu Road Railway Station and 65 K. M. from Palanpur Railway Station on Ahamedabad Delhi Rail root. Accommodation will be available from morning of 23.05.2012 to evening of 24.05.2012. All office bearers will please plan their journey accordingly. Copy of notice of CWC Meeting is sent herewith.

          Department vide letter no 16/75/2010-SR dated 26.08.2011 has held abeyance its earlier order no. 16/75/2010 –SR dated 29.06.2011 in respect of cancellation of recognition granted to AIPSBCO Employees Association and directed to CPMG Tamilnadu Circle to file affidavit in Madras High Court on behalf of Department. But the CO Tamilnadu has not taken any action so far. As such our union had to file case in Madras High Court. First hearing of the said case will be held on 26.03.2012.  

          Circle Conference of Uttarakhand Circle was held on date 17 and 18 March 2012 at Deharadun. Following office bearers have been elected in the conference.

Shri M. P. S. Tyagi, Tehari HO
Shri J. P. Joshi, Nainital HO
Shri R. L. Dobhal, ICO (SB)

          Circle Conference of Assam Circle has been held on date 15th and 16th Oct. 2012 at Guwahati and following office bearers have been elected by the General Body.

Shri R. K. Baishya, Dhubri HO
Shri P. C. Kalita, ICO (SB)
B. R. Bhattacharjee,Guwahati

Copy of Ltr. No. CHQ/AISBCEU/2011/66 Dated 12.03. 2012 addressed to DDG (P)

          Sub: Recruitment in PA (SBCO) cadre
This is regarding recruitment in PA (SBCO) cadre in Head Post Offices. Because of non creation of additional justified posts and curtailment in vacancies under ADR plan in last some years there is acute shortage of staff in SBCO in all the Circles. Now the Department is approaching towards CBS which requires up-to-date ledger agreement and voucher checking of all categories but pending since long. In the year 2011 there was no fresh recruitment but vacancies are occurred due to retirement.

           This union therefore requests your kind honour to cause to fill up all the existing vacancies in PA (SBCO) cadre to make the CBS practicable.
           Thanking you,

                                                                                 Yours sincerely,
                                                                  (P. A. Mhatre, General Secretary)

Copy of Ltr.No. CHQ/AISBCEU/2011/65 Dated 06. 03. 2012 addressed to Ms Indu Gupta CPMG Haryana Circle
         Sub: Unwarranted charges on SBCO staff of Ambala City HO and Ambala GPO for the RD amount defrauded by counter PA of Model Town Ambala SO and GDS BPM Landa BO under Kesri SO in account with Ambala GPO.

          This is regarding unwarranted charges kept on SBCO staff of Ambala City HO and Ambala GPO for the RD amount defrauded by counter Assistant of Model Town Ambala SO and GDS BPM Landa BO under Kesari SO in account with Ambala City HO and Ambala GPO respectively.

           The SSPO Ambala Division has charged following SBCO staffs for negligence under various paras of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure and instructions issued by the  Directorate and thus violating Rule 3(I)(ii) and Rule -3(I)(iii) of CCS (Conduct) Rule 1964.
1. Shri R. K. Goel (Supervisor SBCO)
2. Shri Surender Sharma (PA SBCO)
3. Shri H. P. Vaid (PA SBCO)
4. Smt. Neelim Saini (PA SBCO)
5. Smt. Meenu ( PA SBCO)

          On going through the charges kept on the above staff members it is seen that they are made scapegoat only to recover the defrauded amount. It is stated that the staff of the SBCO had not observed para no. 15, 29, 33, 34, 36, 38, 78(6) and 78(8) and various instructions issued by the Department. In case of fraud at Ambala City HO the counter PA has manipulated the figures of RD denomination and in fraud case of Ambala GPO the GDS BPM has accepted the RD deposits but not accounted for in Govt. account. In the charge sheets it is mentioned that if the staff would have observed the above mentioned paras of Manual of S. B. Control procedure and various instructions issued from time to time the frauds would have been detected earlier. In these cases the opinion of this union is as under.

  1. It is stated that the staff of SBCO has not observed provisions of the para 15 of the Manual od S. B. Control. As per said para the supervisor SBCO has to check 10% entries of posting made in SB-62, SB-63 and SB -62 (a) register and do 5% test checking of vouchers. The discrepancies pointed out in the charge sheet of Supervisor are of minor nature like non filling the date on SB -7 form and illegible impression of date stamp. But it is a fact that the staffs of SBCO are instructed not to raise objection on such minor mistakes.

  1. As per para no. 29 of Manual of S. B. Control procedure the SB/RD branch should hand over documents to SBCO daily. But in practice it is not happening. Daily documents are given to SBCO in bulk and there is abnormal delay in submitting the same. The supervisor SBCO had already brought this fact to the notice of SSPO through monthly progress report. As such the supervisor SBCO has not violated the provisions of para 29 of SB Control procedure.

  1. Para no. 33 and 34 relates to working out closing balance of HO as a whole. Every month the supervisor SBCO has to work out closing balance in every savings category of the HO as a whole. It is very strange to say that working out closing balance in SB - 86 consolidated journal will detect the fraud committed by counter PA. The closing balance is merely the figure arrived after adding deposit and deducting withdrawal in closing balance of last month.

  1. As per para 36 of Manual of S. B. Control procedure the SBCO staff has to check non cash transactions relating to accounts transferred in and transferred out and check short paid or excess paid interest on closed accounts. This will also not detect fraud.

  1. Para no 38 relates to verification of binder balances. The present staff strength of every SBCO in Haryana Circle is too meager that attending RD data feeding in computer vide letter no113-1/2002-SB dated 05.05.2003 is not possible. DG (Post) vide letter no. 116-9/07-SB dated 26.06.2008 and subsequent letters on the subject had directed to get the RD data entries work done through outsource because it is an additional work to SBCO. But in your circle said work was not got done either by outsource or by deploying additional man power to SBCO. The Divisional head has not taken any action to get the said work done through outsource. If said work would have been got done the RD ledger balance verification would have been completed and fraud would have been detected earlier.

  1. In the charge sheets it is noted that the SBCO staffs had not called six monthly listing of balances for balance verification. But fact is that only receipt of six monthly lists of balances would not have served the purpose. The creation of RD data through outsource was not got done in your circle as directed by the Directorate.
  1. In last ten years there is heavy increase in work load but staff strength has reduced to one half.  As such the SBCO staff can not complete the entire work allotted to them.

  1. In case of fraud at Landa BO under Kesri SO in account with Ambala GPO the GDS BPM has not accounted for the amount to Govt. received by him. The amount which is not credited to Govt. at all cannot be checked by the staff and it’s non credit cannot be detected.
          This union here requests your kind honour to refer DG (P) letter no C-32016/07/2006- VP dated 14.11.2006 in which it is stated that while fixing the contributory negligence the situation under which the officials have worked should be considered. There is acute shortage of staff in SBCO as compared to increased work load. The work done by the staff of SB/RD branch has no quality. As such most of the time of SBCO staff is utilised in rectifying the mistakes done by SB branch staff and SBCO staff could not attend their entire work. Also kindly refer to the provisions of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965-Rule 11 (3) in which it is stated that the one who is not directly responsible for  causing any pecuniary loss to the Govt. cannot be made responsible for the loss sustained to the Govt. in this connection the judgment of CAT Ahamedabad Bench on O. A.  75 of 1998 decided on 04.09.2001 may please be referred to. In this judgment the impugned order of punishment was rejected by the honourable CAT.  In these cases the SBCO staff is also not directly responsible for the frauds committed by the counter PA and GDS BPM hence action should not be taken on them please.

Thanking you,
                                                                                          Yours sincerely,

                                                                   (P. A. Mhatre, General Secretary)

Copy of Ltr. No. CHQ/AISBCEU/2011/62 Dt. 24. 02. 2012 to Sh. A. S. Prasad DDG (FS)
          Sub: Creation of authentic set of data relating to SOs of RD/MIS/SCSS at
                 HPO through outsourcing / FTP mode.

          Ref: Your office letter No. 116-09/2008-SB dated 15.03.2011.

          This is regarding creation of authentic set of data relating to SOs of RD/MIS/SCSS accounts at HPO.
          As per SB Order no. 2/2008 dated 04.02.2008 the staff of SBCO has to check one deposit entry in each quarter of RD closed account with data available in computer of SBCO or with list of transactions of single and double handed SOs. The Supervisor SBCO has also to certify the balance of the account in case of issue of duplicate pass book. In this connection this union wishes to put up following difficulties in implementing this procedure for immediate action at your end.

           Even though the Directorate had issued the orders to update the RD data feeding, actually not done in most of the HOs and Circles due to acute shortage of man power. In many Circles in most of the HOs the data is not available in computer of SBCO. RD returns are pending with SB/RD branch since long. There is no sufficient man power available in SBCO for feeding RD/MIS data entries. There is also shortage of space for arranging LOTs/ Vouchers office wise, month wise and year wise.
          Vide your DO NO. 116-09/07-SB 26.06.2008 addressed to all Heads of Circles it was proposed to get the data entries work of RD/MIS /SCSS categories done through outsource. Said order was also reiterated vide your office no. 116-09/2008-SB dated 15.03.2011 but in many circles and HOs said order is not implemented and RD/MIS data entries are still pending. Under this situation it is difficult for SBCO staff to check 100% RD vouchers and certify balance for issue of duplicate pass book of single and double handed SO.

           Now in most of the Circles and HOs SB data of sub offices is being brought through email or pen drive and uploaded in computers of SO SB group of HO. If this procedure is also adopted in case of RD/MIS/SCSS 100% checking of vouchers will be possible and there will not be any scope for frauds.

           This union therefore requests your kind honour to get the RD/MIS/SCSS data entries done through outsource or arrange to bring the RD/ MIS/SCSS data through FTP mode from computers of SOs. 

Thanking you,

                                                                                                                                     Yours sincerely,
                                                                                                                     (P. A. Mhatre, General Secretary)


          Except two/three circle no one has remitted its quota to CHQ. All Circle Secretaries /Treasurers are requested to send their quota to treasurer of CHQ union. It is also requested to contribute for recognition case of Madras High Court.

 With warm wishes,
                                                                                                                                    Yours truly

                                                                                                                     (P. A. Mhatre, General Secretary)