Wednesday, 21 March 2012



[Issued vide D.G. Posts letter No. 113-1/2002-SB dated 13.12.2002]

Note :- The rules in this chapter will also apply mutatis mutandis to CTD accounts which have not been closed so far.


28. The Control Organisation is responsible for the proper maintenance of RD accounts. For this purpose, it will maintain register of binder wise and office wise balances (SB-85), register of non-cash transactions SB-85(a), undertake necessary checks and submit returns to the Accounts Officer, (ICO) and Postal Accounts Office in the manner prescribed below. The instructions contained in para 2 of the SB Control procedure about duties and responsibilities of the staff relating to SB Control work will apply mutatis mutandis to RD control work also.

[Para 27 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


29. (a) The official in charge of the Control Organization will receive every morning the voucher list in duplicate with documents as detailed below from the Head Office. He will check the contents of the voucher list and return one copy thereof duly receipted to the Head Office.

(i) List of transactions (duplicate in respect of head office and the original lists received from all sub offices) along with sealed voucher bundles in alphabetical order.

(ii) Consolidated journal of deposits and withdrawals (SB-86)

(iii) Combined local credit and debit transfer journal.

(iv) Home and Foreign journal of accounts transferred to other Head offices.

     (v) Home and Foreign journal of accounts received on transfer from other head   offices alongwith Advices of transfer.

(b) Further action regarding transfer of vouchers to Postal Assistants will be taken as per instructions contained in para 3(ii) of the SB Control procedure.

[Para 28 of Manual ofS.B. Control Procedure]


30. (a) The P.A. entrusted with the work of writing up of the register SB-85 will check the entries of account numbers, amount of deposits and withdrawals, interest/bonus on closed accounts, etc. as entered in the lists of transactions with those in the pay-in-slips and warrants of payment. He will also exercise all other checks which are prescribed for S.B. lists of transactions as contained in para 4( i) of the S.B. Control Procedure and note the irregularity detected in the objection register if not already noted by the RD P.A. in his objection register. [See Annexure I for Form SB-76]

(b)  If for some reason the voucher does not accompany the list of transactions in which it has been accounted for , the remark "will follow" will have been noted by the Head Office against the entry of the transaction. In case, this remark has not been made by the Head Office, the remark "Voucher not received" should be noted in the list by the Control Organization. In such  cases the transaction may be taken into account and a note of non receipt of voucher made against the office concerned in a "Register of vouchers not received". The register will be maintained in the same proforma as prescribed for S.B. transactions, the entries made in annual serial starting from 1st April each year.

This should immediately be brought to the personal notice of the Deputy/ Assistant Postmaster in charge of the S.B. branch. When the voucher is subsequently received a suitable remark should be made against the entry in the "Register of vouchers not received" and the remark "Received" will be made against the item in the list of transactions below the entry "will follow" under dated signature of the Supervisor. Such vouchers will be kept in a separate monthly bundle in the same order as the entry in (lie register. The M.A.Ps and certificates of payment, will, however, be attached to the relevant voucher in which a note to this effect should be recorded under the initials of the Supervisor.

(c) The "Register of vouchers not received" will be reviewed once a week by the supervisor and action taken to obtain the wanting vouchers from the RD branch. In case the voucher is not received within a fortnight, the matter should be reported to the Divisional Superintendent and Accounts officer ICO(SB) for necessary action.

(d) The P.A. will check the accuracy of the totals of the list. If there is more than one binder in the head office, he will work out the total amount of deposits, withdrawals etc. for each binder. He will then take action for posting the total amount of deposits, withdrawals and bonus/interest on closed accounts as shown in the list of transactions in the register SB-85.

(e) If there is any entry of Part II transaction, the P.A. will verify that each of the Part II entries have been correctly entered in part III of the respective list of transactions .He will then take action as laid down in para (d) above to post these entries in the register SB-85.

(f) In respect of unposted items the procedure laid down in para 6 of the SB Control Procedure will be followed.

[Para 29 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


31. (a) The register will be maintained in the form SB-85 (Annexure-2).

The postings in the register will be made from the various lists and registers as

detailed below:

(i) Columns 2,3,4,5 and 7 from the list of transactions.

(ii) Columns 6 and 8 from the register of non cash transactions SB-85(a).

 (b) After posting the entries in the register SB-85 from the list of transactions the official should put his dated signature in the lists of transactions

(Part I and III).

(c) The SB-85 register will be checked by the P.A. in the same manner prescribed in para 5(v) of the SB Control Procedure for checking of SB-62 register.

(d) At the end of the month, the totals of different columns of the register will be struck and the closing balance for each office i.e. HO and SO arrived at by adding to the totals of credit columns and deducting the totals of debit columns. This closing balance will be carried forward as the opening balance of the next month.

(e) For HO entries will be made binder wise and totaled for the office. For sub offices entries will be made office wise where RD work is computerised.

[ Para 30 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]

Note :- In head offices where RD work has not been computerised, the SBCO will maintain SB-85 register binder-wise and office-wise.


32. (i) The register SB-85 (a) (Annexure-3) is to be maintained for noting particulars of non-cash transactions affecting the binder balances. These particulars will be found in journals referred to in para 28 above. The office wise transactions will be posted in appropriate debit and credit columns of the register serially numbered for each month.

(ii) Against each item of the journal/list, the serial number of the register SB-85(a) against which the item has been posted will be noted. In case of transfer of accounts from one HO to another the name of the HO/SO to which the account is transferred and the name of the HO from which the account is received on transfer will be noted in the remarks column of the debit and credit side. After posting the transactions from all the non-cash journals/lists, total of each of the column on debit and credit side will be struck. The progressive total at the end of the day will also be cast. The grand totals of the columns "Total credit for each office' and " Total debit for each office" on the credit and debit sides both daily and progressive should also be written in words after agreement of various columns. The daily as well as the progressive total of credit and debit under each of the different columns must agree with the corresponding totals in the respective journals and other records from which these items have been taken. The credit and debit amounts of each office will then be posted in the page relating to the office in register SB-85.

(iii) The concerned P.A. will ensure that each of the items of non-cash transactions has been posted against the correct binder in SB-85(a) register.

He will also ensure that amounts of respective binders/offices are correctly transferred to proper pages in the SB-85 register.

(iv) At the end of the month progressive total of different items of non- cash transactions as worked out in the register SB-85( a) will be checked and verified with the progressive figures in the non-cash journals as on the last day of the month and the following certificate recorded in the register by the Supervisor under his dated signature:

"Agreed with the monthly figures of the respective journals, lists and registers."

[Para 31 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


33. (i) The consolidation of transactions of all offices will be prepared in SB-85 register at the end of the month in respect of all the columns including the opening and closing balances to work out the closing RD balance at the end of the month for the head office as a whole.

(ii) The balance of the head office as a whole (including that of sub offices) will then be worked out from the consolidated journal of RD deposits and withdrawals (SB-86) and register SB-85( a) as follows:

(a) Opening balance.

(b) Add monthly totals of columns 8 and 13 of consolidated journal and column 12 (credit side - total credits) of SB-85 (a) register.

(c) Total of items (a) and (b).

(d) Deduct monthly totals of column 12 of consolidated journal and column 10 ( debit side-total debits) ofSB-85( a) register.

(e) Closing balance item (c) - item (d).

(iii) This closing balance should agree with the closing balance as worked out in the summary in the register SB-85 vide sub para (i) above. The following certificate will be recorded by the Supervisor under his dated signature below the closing balance thus worked out and agreed:

" Closing balance as shown above has been checked and agreed with closing balance worked out in the SB-85 register"

Note: For the month of March, the SB-85 register should comprise of transactions at a sub office upto 31st  March.

[Para 32 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


34. (i)  The Head Office will prepare daily a consolidated journal RD deposits and withdrawals, with head and sub offices arranged in alphabetical order in form SB-86 (Annexure-4).The total amount against each office will be posted from the lists of transactions and sent to Control Organization along with the daily returns.

(ii) The progressive figures at the end of the day will be worked out in SBCO by adding the progressive figures of all columns at the end of previous day. The daily and the progressive totals will be checked and the journal signed by the P.A. in token of having carried out the checks.

(iii) The Supervisor will check each entry of the consolidated journal with the corresponding entry in the lists of transactions. He will then check the totals of deposits, withdrawals, interest on defaulted installments and refund of interest and the amount of rebate on the advance deposits, both daily as well as progressive with the corresponding figures in the Head Office Cash Book and put his dated initials in the cash book against the respective amounts in token of having carried out the checks. He will then record the following certificate at the bottom of the consolidated journal under his dated signature.

" Certified that each entry in the journal has been checked with the corresponding entry in the lists of transactions. The totals of columns 8,9,12,15 and 16 have been verified with the amount shown in the Head Office Cash Book."

(iv) At the end of the month the total amounts of deposits, withdrawals interest and rebate on advance deposits shown in the consolidated journal will be checked and agreed by the Supervisor with the corresponding figures in the cash account. The Supervisor will furnish the following certificate under his dated signature in the journal in addition to the certificate of para (iii) above:

"Checked and agreed with the H.O. cash account".

(v) The Supervisor while comparing the figures of deposits and withdrawals as shown in the consolidated journal on the last day of the month with those shown in the cash account will see that amounts of deposits and repayment of withdrawals have been shown separately in the cash account and cash book before putting his initials in token of having carried out the check.

[Para 33 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


35. General check of vouchers and checking of vouchers with reference to entries in the ledger cards:- (i)All the transactions of withdrawals, closures, refund of interest, interest recovered on defaulted installments or on withdrawals repaid and rebate paid on advance deposits will be checked by the P.A. of the Control Organization on the lines of checks prescribed for SB vouchers vide para 11 of the SB Control Procedure. He will check that the rebate was not paid previously, and that it has been paid within a period of one year from the date of advance deposit and that the rebate now allowed is correct as per rules. A note regarding payment of rebate showing the date and the amount will be made against the original relevant entry in the list of transactions under the dated signatures of the of In charge S3CO. He should then initial the vouchers in token of the check. In case of transactions having no vouchers, he will initial in remarks column of the list of transactions against the concerned entry. He will also maintain a register showing the particulars of all vouchers/ transactions checked. posting of deposit vouchers in the ledger cards to the extent of 4% transactions will be checked by the P.A. of Control Organization on the same lines as prescribed in para 11 (ii) of SB Control Procedure.

(ii) All premature closures of accounts will be checked by the Postal Assistant. The Supervisor will check 20% of such accounts.

Note :- The checks will apply uniformly to accounts maintained either manually or on computers. The ledger cards of RD accounts of sub offices are now not maintained in head offices. Hence general check of vouchers will be done.

[D.G Posts letter No. 5-2/99-SB dated 5.3.2003]

(iii) Checking of schedules of commission paid to MPKBY agents and PRSG Leaders :- (a) The SBCO will receive daily from the RD branch the schedules of commission paid to MPKBY agents and PRSG Leaders supported by deposit schedules and receipts ACG-17. The SBCO will carry out checks as detailed below. After necessary checks, the schedules will be sent to the Postal Accounts Office on monthly basis after the close of the month in the first week of the following month. The entries of the amount of deposits and commission paid to agents for the month will be made in the statistical register of RD accounts.

(b) The following checks will be carried out by the SBCO.

(i) The official of the SBCO will compare the amount of commission paid as shown in the receipt (ACG-17) with the entries in the schedule.

(ii) The correctness of the total of the schedule and commission paid at the prescribed rate will be checked.

(iii) The official concerned will put his dated signature at the bottom of the schedule in token of having carried out the above checks.

(iv) The official-in-charge of the SBCO will compare the total amount of the schedules with the entries in the cash book in order to verify its correctness and place his initials in the cash book in token of this check.

[D.G Posts letter No. 107-16/97-SB dated 17.4.2000J

(iv) Instances of irregularities which come to light in course of carrying out checks will be recorded in the objection register which will be maintained separately for head and sub post offices. Before recording the objection in the register, the Control P.A. will satisfy himself that the objection has not already been included in the objection register of the RD branch by the Ledger Assistant The procedure laid down in the case of SB accounts will be followed in respect of RD accounts also.

[Para 34 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


36. Transfer of accounts: (i)All the non-cash transactions will be checked by the P.A. In case of accounts transferred to other head offices, accounts opened on transfer from other head offices and accounts relating to local transfer

the procedure prescribed for SB accounts in para 12 of the SB Control Procedure will be followed for RD accounts both by the PA. and the Supervisor. The Supervisor will check the advices of transfer in respect of accounts transferred to other head offices as is done for SB accounts.

(ii) Short or excess paid interest/bonus on closed accounts: The  procedure prescribed for the maintenance of register and checking of interest as prescribed for SB accounts in para 16(2) of SB Control Procedure will be followed for RD accounts also.

[Para 35 of Manual of SB Control Procedure]


37. The Supervisor/In charge will carry out the checks of SB-85 and SB- 85(a) registers and maintain the selection register on the same line as indicated in para 15 of the SB Control Procedure. He will also test check 5% of the vouchers checked by the P.A.s and maintain the register of vouchers test checked for RD accounts and note the irregularities detected by him in the Review Register.

[Para 36 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


38. The balances of the accounts in each binder will be verified once in six months. The first round will cover the period from January to June and the second round from July to December. The listing will be done for the balances as on 30th June and 31st  December each year. The agreement work should be completed by 30th  September and 31st  March for the 1st   and 2nd  round respectively.

The detailed procedure laid down for verification of binder balances in respect of MIS accounts in para 6 of the MIS Control Procedure will be followed in respect of RD accounts.

[D.G Posts letters No. 110-23/2001-SB dated 7.1.2003 and

No. 113-1/2002 dated 5.5.2003]


38. A. The verification of Rd balances of sub offices accounts will be done once in six months. The verification will be spread over in six month duration and the following procedure will be followed:-

(1) The balances of sub post offices are to be carried out once in every six months, but the dates as on which the balances will be agreed to be spread over four months equally depending upon number of accounts, as on 31st January, 28/29th February, 30th April and 31st May in the first round and 31st July, 31st August, 31st October and 30th November in the second round. That is if there are 20 sub offices under a head office the number of sub offices in respect of which balances have to be agreed will be 5 sub offices each month. The number of offices may however differ depending on the number of accounts. [31st March and 30th September are omitted from the dates of agreement.. since the SBCO has to verify the balances of savings and other accounts as on these dates).

(2) The sub office will prepare six monthly lists of balances as on the dates fixed for the agreement and intimated by the Head office. The PA of the sub office can be paid honorarium for listing at the same rates as applicable to SBCO and the listing machines of SBCO can also be used for the purpose wherever possible. The sub office has to submit the list of balances to SBCO before 19th of the month following the due month of agreement(if the agreement is due on 31st January the list of balances has to be received by the SBCO by 10th February). The sub offices will prepare the list of balances binder/ledger chart will be sent to SBCO).

(3) On receipt of list of balances from the sub office, the SBCO will take action to verify the balances as prescribed in letter No: 113-1/2003-SB dated 05.05.2003 and complete the verification by the end of the month. [See Para 38B]

(4) At Head Offices where the SBCOs are not computerized, the verification of balances has to be carried out as prescribed in para 14 of the Manual of SB Control Procedure. However in the absence of binders to compare the balances and verify, the SBCO will conduct all other checks prescribed for manual agreement before taking further action.

(5) The SBCOs of both computerized and non-computerized offices will check the balances of accounts with reference to previous lists of agreed balances for having no change in balances and ticked.

(6) The verification of balances as detailed above has to be completed before the end of the month following the month as on which the agreement is to be conducted.

(7)  If the balances are agreed with the above efforts, the concerned PA at the SBCO with prior permission of the Divisional Superintendent will visit the sub office concerned along with required records for verification of balances in respect of binders and accounts which are not agreed. With the differences reduced to the minimum, it is felt that one day is sufficient to finish verification of balances of an officer having 3000 accounts. On return from the sub office, the PA, SBCO will give a report to the Superintendent concerned on the visit through the Postmaster.

(8) The verification of balances of an office should be completed in all respects by the end of second month following the month as on which the agreement is to be conducted.

(9) For the purpose of grouping of offices for agreement, the SBCO will prepare list of sub offices showing the number of RD accounts as on 31stDecember, 2003 and send to AO, ICO[SB] through the concerned Divisional Superintendent suggesting the groups of offices that can be put together for the purpose in the following proforma.


Due date of        Offices to be agreed        No of         Total no of accounts

Agreement         Sl        Name of the          account     to be agreed during

                           No      office                                       the month

31st January

31st July

28th February

31st August

30th April

31st October

31st May

30th November

30th June           Head Post Office

31st December


(The grand total number of accounts should agree with the total number of accounts of the Head office including all the sub offices).

(10)             The AO, ICO [SB] will return the list of offices to be agreed every month duly approved. A copy of the approved list will also be sent to the concerned Divisional Superintendent for information. During the annual inspection of the Head Office, the AO, ICO [SB] will check and confirm whether the verification of balances of sub offices is being carried out as per the approved list.

(11)              The above procedure is effective from 01.01.2004 and up to 31.12.2003 the procedure already circulated vides SB Letter No: 113-1/2002-SB Dated 05.05.2003 has to be followed. The SBCOs where the computerization of Rd work has been made, may however verify the balances as on 31.12.2003 as per the above said procedure.

(12)             Except to the extent explained in this order, all other guidelines given in the letter No: 113-1/2002-SB Dated 05.05.2003 hold good.

[D.G.Posts Letter No: 1-1/2004-SB Dated 11.02.2004]


39. (i) The listing of balances as on 31st  December will be done in duplicate in the month of January each year showing all the account numbers as in the case of SB interest statement. The duplicate copy of the lists of balances will be sent to the A.O. ICO(SB) immediately after it is prepared as in the case of SB interest statement. After agreement work is over, these lists will be obtained by the Incharge SBCO from the A.O. ICO(SB) for incorporation of corrections, if any, and then returned to the A.O. ICO(SB) within a week for safe custody in his office to serve as duplicate record for use as and when necessity arises. The transmission of these lists will be by registered post at all stages.

(ii) In order to watch the progress of the completion of the work a fortnightly statement in the form at Annexure 5 will be sent by the Control Organisation

to the A.O. ICO (SB) from 15th January onwards till the work is completed. The Accounts Officer will consolidate the statements of the SBCOs under his control in duplicate and send one copy to his Circle Office for information. The statement will be continued to be submitted by the AO till the work is completed in all the Head Offices.

(iii) These lists will be preserved by the C.O. and A.O. ICO for 3 years like S.B. interest statement after agreement of all binders is over.

[Para 38 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


40. The procedure prescribed for the maintenance of register of undeliverable and spoilt S.B. pass books vide para 19 of the SB Control Procedure will apply mutatis mutandis to such RD pass books.

[ Para 39 of Manual of SB Control Procedure]


41. (1) The Control Organization will maintain statistical register in the form SB-89 (Annexure-6) for RD accounts. The posting in this register will be made for the Head Office as a whole at the end of each month from the following records;

(i) Consolidated Journal of RD deposits and withdrawals

(ii) SB-85(a) register.

(hi) Local transfer journals.

(iv) Home and foreign transfer journals.

(2 ) A copy of the statistical register will be sent to the Postal Accounts Office by the 10th of the following month. The Supervisor will record the following certificate under his dated signature on the copy.

"Checked and agreed with the cash account and register SB-85(a)"

[Para 40 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]


42. The Control Organization will submit the following documents to the office noted against each by the due dates duly entered in the SB voucher list.

Sl.         Particular of return        Office to which due                Due date

1.          Copy of the RD               Post Accounts                    By the 10th  of the

             statistical register            Office                                 following month

2.          Home Debit/Credit         Circle Pairing                      By 7th  of the

             transfer journals along    Unit                                     following month

             with ATs

3.          Foreign Debit/Credit       Central Pairing                   By 7th  of the

             transfer journals along     Office                                 following month.

             With ATs

4.    Pencil copies of           A.O.ICO(SB)        On 8th,    16th, 24th and

       and SO lists of                                           1st  of the month

        transactions                                               relating to the

                                                                          preceding week.

[Para 41 of Manual of SB Control Procedure]


43. The instructions contained in para 26 of the SB Control Procedure will apply mutatis mutandis to RD records also.

[Para 42 of Manual of SB Control Procedure]


44. Para 43 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure—Deleted vide D.G. Posts letter No. 113-1 2002-SB dated l3.12.2002.


45. The Supervisor of the Control Organisation will submit a monthly. progress report showing the state of work in respect of RD accounts by the 5th of the following month to the Accounts Officer, l.C.O. (SB) with a copy to the Divisional Superintendent of Post Offices in the form given at Annexure-7.

[Para 44 of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]

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