Wednesday, 21 March 2012



[Issued vide D.G. Posts letters No. 110-23/2001-SB dated 7.1.2003

and No. 113-1/2002 SB dated 5.5.2003]

78. The S.B. Control Organisation will follow the procedure as for savings accounts with the following changes.


1. General check of vouchers and checking of vouchers with reference to entries in the ledgers :- The vouchers both receipts and payments will be checked to the following extent :-

(a) All vouchers of premature and final closures.

(b) 10% of vouchers of monthly payment of interest.

 (c) 4% of deposit transactions.

Note 1 :- The checks will apply uniformly to accounts maintained either manually or on computers.

Note 2 :- In case of MIS accounts the ledger in head offices for accounts standing at sub offices are not maintained. Hence general checks of vouchers will be done.

Note 3 :- While checking the vouchers, the amount of interest calculated for new accounts will be checked for correctness with reference to interest rate applicable.

[D.G Posts letter No. 110-23/2001-SB dated 7.1.2003]

[Para 91C of Manual of S.B. Control Procedure]

2. Premature closure of accounts :- The premature closure of the account is allowed after one year of opening of the account and a discount at the rate of 5% will be deducted from the principal before making payment if the account is closed before the expiry of 3 years from the date of opening. In the account records full amount of deposit will be shown as paid and the amount of discount recovered will be shown on the receipt side. On the warrant of payment the details of Principal and discount recovered will be shown separately and receipt of the net amount payable will be taken from the depositor. In the list of transactions and the consolidated journal, total amount of deposit will be shown as withdrawn in the withdrawal column and discount recovered shown under a separate column "Discount deducted" to be opened for this purpose on the receipt side. The amount of discount will not be shown in the SB-62 register. The Postmaster and the Supervisor SBCO will check the amount of discount recovered as shown in the consolidated journal with the amount shown in the head office cash book as per procedure being followed in RD accounts when interest is recovered on withdrawals repaid in these accounts.

     [D.G, Posts letters No. 1-2/88-SB dated 10.2.1988 and 17.10.1990]

Agent's schedules for commission paid on MIS Deposits

3. (1) The SBCO will receive daily from the SB Branch the schedules of commission paid to the SAS agents alongwith receipts (ACG-17). The SBCO will carry out the following checks :-

(i) The official of the SBCO will compare the amount of commission paid as shown in the receipt (ACG-17) with the entries in the schedule.

(ii) The correctness of the total of the schedule and commission paid at the prescribed rate will be checked.

(iii) The official concerned will put his dated signature at the bottom of the schedule in token of having carried out the above checks.

(iv) The official in-charge of the SBCO will compare the total amount of the schedules with the entries in the cash book in order to verify its correctness and place his initials in the cash book in token of this check.

(2) The SBCO will enter the details regarding amount of deposits and commission paid through SAS Agents in the statistical register of MIS accounts after the close of the month.

(3) After necessary checks the schedules of commission paid along with vouchers (receipts ACG-17) will be sent to the Postal Accounts Office on monthly basis after the close of the month in the first week of the following month.

[D.G. Posts letter No. 107-7-16/97-SB dated 17.4.2000]

4. Maintenance of SB-85 register :- In head offices where MIS work has been computerised, the SBCO will maintain SB-85 register ledger wise for head office and office-wise for sub offices. In head offices where the MIS work is done manually, the register SB-85 will be maintained ledger-wise and office-wise for all offices.

[D.G. Posts letter No. 113-1/2002-SB dated 5.5.2003]

5. Maintenance of statistical register :- A separate statistical register will be maintained for this scheme as per procedure followed in RD Control Procedure.

[Para 91 D of Manual of SB Control Procedure as amended]



6. The balances of the accounts in each office will be verified on six monthly basis. The first round will cover the period from January to June and the second round from July to December. The listing will be done for the balances as on 30th June and 31st December each year. The verification will be done in the following manner.

(i) For accounts in head office, balances will be listed by the SBCO ledger wise. The balances in the register SB-85 will be arrived at by adding the total credits to and deducting the total debits till the end of the month upto which transactions have been included in the list of balances from the opening balance of the month. The closing balance should agree with that shown in the list. If it agrees the Postal Assistant will write "Agreed" in the list under his dated signature. The list will then be placed before the Supervisor. The Supervisor will verify and note it in the ledger verification check sheet under his dated initials.

(ii) If the two sets of balances differ, the Postal Assistant will write the name of office, ledger number and two sets of balance in the discrepancy register. Action will be taken to reconcile the discrepancy and to have the two sets of balances reconciled.

(iii) To find out the mistake :-

(a) The previous agreement sheet of the binder should be checked with the balances shown in the current list prepared. The accounts having no change in balance should be ticked.

(b) The accounts whose balances have undergone a change should then be examined to see if the balances in respect of these accounts have been cast correctly in the binder. In case of correction to ledger balances it should be seen if the same is supported by the entries in SB-85 register.

(c) Accounts transferred to other offices will be checked with reference to entries in SB-85 and SB-85(a) registers. In case of account opened by transfer it should be checked from the ledger or the voucher whether the account has been correctly included in SB-85 and SB-85(a) registers.

(d) Accounts which have been closed should be checked with reference to the entries in the list of transactions and SB-85 register.

(e) If the balances still do not agree, the postings in SB-85 register should be checked with the list of transactions. If the balances still do not agree the totals of lists of balances and balances cast in SB-85 register should be checked again.

(f) In addition to checking the balances with SB-85 register, the SBCO will check with the list of balances of previous period as to whether the increase in balance is correct with reference to interest due and paid in the account.


(iv) A register of office wise discrepancies will be maintained to note particulars of ledgers which do not agree automatically in the following format:

Date selected                   No. of               Balance as                       Balance as

for agreement                  ledger               per SB-85                        per the list

          1                                  2     3                                       4

Difference of           Agreed          Dated initials               Dated initials

3 and 4                   Balance          of the P.A.                      of the Supervisor


          5                                 6                         7                                       8         

On reconciliation of the discrepancy, the completed register will be checked and initialled by the Supervisor.

[D.G. Posts letter No. 110-23/2001-SB dated 7.1.2003]



7. Following computerisation the SBCOs are working either on V2 SBCO or Sanchay Post as below.

(a) In SBCOs working on V2 SBCO, the transactions will be fed in computers by SBCO after general check of vouchers and verification of total of cash figures of consolidated journals with Head Office cash book on daily basis. After feeding of transactions over computers all other control functions including verification of balances are automatic besides being accurate. Verification of closing balances of the ledger/office with the closing balance arrived at SB-85/SB-62/SB-63 registers at the close of the month will make the system fool proof.

The generation of Control Registers in Form SB-85/SB-62/SB-63 and consolidated journals SB-86/SB-72 is automatic. The hard copies of the control registers are kept on record duly agreed with the figures worked out in the relevant consolidated journals on the last working day of the month.

(b) In SBCOs working on Sanchay Post, the transactions fed by HO and SOSB group are available with SBCO for checking of vouchers. Control registers are generated automatically.

With discontinuation of maintenance of ledgers for SO accounts, the SBCO will have to feed the data from LOTs to generate the consolidated journals. Data regarding transactions at HO will be available with SBCO on LAN. The consolidated journal and the respective control registers will be generated. Consolidated balance for the HO will be verified and tallied with the balance arrived at SB-85 on daily/monthly basis.

(c) Periodical agreement of balances :- The SBCO will take out hard copies of list of balances in triplicate every six months as on 30th June and 31st  December and will forward two copies to sub post offices for check with reference to the ledgers being maintained at sub office level w.e.f. 1st  January, 2003. The sub post office will return one copy of the list to the SBCO after necessary verification and recording of difference, if any, noticed against the respective accounts.                          

The differences/mistakes in balances of accounts as pointed out by sub post office will again be verified by the SBCO with respect to relevant records (i.e. Vouchers and LOTs) and necessary corrections carried out on computers.

(d) The SBCO will also take out hard copy of the list of unposted items in duplicate and will forward the same to the sub post office on daily basis for reconciliation so that no transaction is left unposted by the end of each round of agreement.

 (e) If the two sets of balances (i.e. balance as per computerised list of ledger balances and the individual ledger of the sub offices) still do not agree, the SBCO will take out hard copies of the individual ledger cards having difference and will forward the same to the concerned sub post office for reconciliation of differences.

(f) Instead of register of ledger wise discrepancies prescribed for head office ledgers, a register of office wise and account wise discrepancies will be maintained in the following format for sub offices ledgers :-

Register of office wise and account wise discrepancies

                  Round of agreement as on___Name of sub office______

Sl.No.                Ledger No.          Account No.          Name of depositor


 1                                   2                3                                   4

Ledger balance as per computerized list of balances
Verified balance as per sub office ledger
Date of reconciliation of difference over computer

           5                                      6                                 7                         8

Dated initials of              Dated initials of                        Remarks

the P.A.                                    the Supervisor

9                                              10                                        11

(g) The above procedure will be followed by SBCOs working on either V2 SBCO or Sanchay Post with immediate effect.

8. For six monthly record of balances of accounts a list of balances has been prescribed to be taken out and provided to the sub post offices for reconciliation of balances, the first list of balances as on 30.6.2003 should be despatched to sub post offices by 10th   of July and reconciliation completed by 31st  July. Next list will be prepared for 31st  December and reconciled by 31st  January and so on.

[D.G Posts letter No. 113-1/2002-SB dated 5.5.2003

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