1 Comparison with public/private sectors
1.1 Should there be any comparison/parity between pay scales and perquisites in Government and the public/private sector?
1.2 Is it possible to quantify all other benefits, excluding pay, derived by employees in Government and the public and private sectors from security of tenure, promotional avenues, retirement packages, housing and other invisibles?
In view of these benefits, can there be any fair comparison between the salaries available in the government vis-Ã -vis the salaries in the private sector?
1.3 In order to ensure a fair comparison based on principles of equity and social justice, would it not
also be appropriate to take into account the economic conditions of
large sections of the community that are less privileged than Government
employees and many of whom live below the poverty line?
2. International comparisons 2.1 Some countries have raised civil service pay scales almost to levels prevalent in the private sector on the hypothesis that a well-paid bureaucracy is likely to be honest and diligent. To what extent would such a hypothesis be valid and how far would such a course of action be desirable?
3. Impact on other organizations 3.1 Salary structure in the Central and State Governments is broadly similar. The recommendations of the Pay Commission are likely to lead to similar demands from employees of State Governments, municipal bodies, panchayati raj institutions & autonomous institutions
Their paying capacity is considerably limited. To what extent should this factor be considered in devising a reasonable remuneration package for Central Government employees?
4. Salaries
4.1 How should we determine the salary to be paid to a Secretary in the Central Government? Please suggest an appropriate basic pay for a Secretary?
Can appointment to this post be made on a contractual basis where
salaries and tenure are linked to the performance in terms of achieving
defined targets?
4.2 What should be the reasonable ratio between the minimum and the maximum of a pay scale?
4.3 Is it necessary to persist with a pre-determined minimum-maximum ratio on ideological considerations? Or is it more important to ensure efficient administration by preventing flight of outstanding talent from Government?
5. Relativities
5.1 Employees in the Secretariat and analogous establishments are entitled to higher pay scales than the corresponding
field functionaries. This was supposed to compensate them for the loss
of certain facilities available to them in field assignments and the
extra effort required for decision-making at the policy level. Are these
factors valid even today particularly in the context of decentralization and devolution of administrative powers?
Is this discrimination between field and secretariat functionaries even justified today?
6. Group-A Services
6.1 Is there a case for a Unified Civil Service, merging therein all Central (both technical and non-technical) and All India Services, allowing vertical and horizontal movement? Or should there be two distinct streams, one embracing all the technical services and the other for non-technical services?
6.2 Do you feel that the pattern of pay scales for all Group A Services
should be redesignated so as to attract candidates of the requisite
caliber? Keeping in view some of the compensation packages being offered
to fresh professionals by the private sector, what emoluments would you
suggest for an entrant to a Group-A Service in Government?
7. Professional personnel
7.1 Should there be a higher compensation package for scientists in
certain specialized streams/departments like Department of Space,
Department of Atomic Energy? If so, what should be the reasonable
package in their case?
8. Classification of posts
Presently, civilian posts in the Central Government are classified into
four Groups (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ & ‘D’) with reference to their scales of
pay. The Fifth Central Pay Commission had recommended their
reclassification into Executive, Supervisory, Supporting and Auxiliary
Staff. Would you suggest any changes in the existing classification or should the classification recommended by Fifth Central Pay Commission be adopted with/without modifications?
9. Restructuring of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts
9.1 Should all lower Group ‘C’ functionaries in the Secretariat be
replaced by multi-functional Executive Assistants, who would be
graduates and well versed in office work, secretarial skills and use of
modern office equipment including computers? Should similar arrangements
can be evolved for Group ‘C’ posts in other organisations of
9.2 Should a similar regrouping of Group D staff
into fewer categories capable of performing diverse functions also be
carried out?
10. Pay Scales 10.1 How should a pay scale be structured? What is a reasonable ratio between the minimum and maximum of a pay scale?
10.2 The successive Pay Commissions have progressively reduced the
number of distinct pay scales. The number of scales has therefore come
down from more than 500 scales at the time of the Second Central Pay
Commission to 51 scales before Fifth Central Pay Commission, which was
brought down to 33 scales by the Fifth Central Pay Commission. The
reduction in the number of pay scales brings in attendant problems like
the promotion and the feeder grades coming to lie in the same pay scale,
etc. Do you feel whether the existing number of pay scales should be
retained or increased or decreased or whether the same should be
replaced by a running pay scale?
11. Increments 11.1 What
should be the criteria for determining the rates and frequency of
increments in respect of different scales of pay? Should these bear a
uniform or varying relationship with the minima and/or maxima of the
12. Revision of pay scales 12.1 Is there any need to
revise the pay scales periodically especially when 100% neutralization
for inflation is available in form of dearness allowance?
How should pay be fixed in the revised pay scales? Should there be a
point-to-point fixation? If not, please suggest a method by which it can
be ensured that senior personnel are not placed at a disadvantage
vis-Ã -vis their juniors and due weightage is given for the longer
service rendered by the former.
13. Compensatory Allowances
13.1 Is City Compensatory Allowance a sufficient compensation for the
problems of a large city? If DA and HRA provide full neutralization, do
you think CCA should continue? Is there a need for changing the basis of
classification of cities and the rates of CCA? If so, please suggest
the revised basis and rates.
14. Pay and perquisites for Armed Forces
14.1 What should be the basis for determination of pay scales for Armed
Forces Personnel? What percentage weightage should be assigned to (i)
parity with civil services, (ii) comparison with private sector, (iii)
special and hazardous nature of duties, (iv) short career span and (v)
restricted rights?
14.2 How should the pay of a soldier, sailor
and airman be determined? How should it relate to the minimum wage in
Government and the pay of a constable in paramilitary or internal
security forces?
15. Abolition of feudalism 15.1 Should all
vestiges of feudalism in the country like huge residential bungalows
sprawling over several acres, large number of servants’ quarters,
retinues of personal staff, bungalow peons, use of uniformed personnel
as batmen or on unnecessary security or ceremonial duties etc. be
abolished? Please make concrete suggestions.
16. Specific proposals
16.1 In what manner can Central Government organizations functioning be
improved to make them more professional, citizen-friendly and delivery
16.2 Please outline specific proposals, which could result in:
(i) Reduction and redeployment of staff, (ii) Reduction of paper work, (iii) Better work environment, (iv) Economy in expenditure, (v) Professionalisation of services, (vi) Reduction in litigation on service matters, (vii) Better delivery of service by government agencies to their users.
17. New concepts
17.1 Do you think the concepts of contractual appointment, part-time
work, flexible job description, flexi time etc. need to be introduced in
Government to change the environment, provide more jobs and impart
flexibility to the working conditions of employees?
17.2 For improving punctuality/introducing new concepts like flexi time, should biometric entry/exit be introduced?
17.3 What steps should be taken to ensure that scientists, doctors,
engineers and other professionals with sophisticated education and
skills are retained in their specialized fields in Government? Should
they be appointed on contract with a higher status and initial pay,
advance increments, better service conditions, etc.?
17.4 Should
there be lateral movement from Government to non-Government jobs and
vice versa? If so, in which sphere(s) and to what extent?
It has been suggested that existing Government employees should be
encouraged to shift to employment on contract for specified periods in
return for a substantially higher remuneration package. Would you agree?
18. Performance Appraisal
18.1 In what way should be present system of performance appraisal be changed? Should be ACR be an open document?
18.2 How far has the introduction of self-assessment helped in the process of appraisal?
18.3 Should appraisal be done for an entire team instead of for individuals?
18.4 In what manner can Government employees be made personally
accountable for their acts of omission or commission, without any
special safeguards? Would you recommend any amendments to Article 311 of
the Constitution, Section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
Section 17 and 19 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 and various
rules relating to conduct of Government servants and disciplinary
19. Holidays
19.1 Kindly comment on the
appropriateness of adopting a five-day week in Government offices when
other sectors follow a six day week. Please also state whether the
number of Gazetted holidays in Government offices should be reduced?
Please also comment on the appropriateness of declaring Gazetted
holidays for all major religious festivals.
19.2 What do you
think is the state of work ethics and punctuality in Government offices?
Kindly suggest ways of improving these.
| 1. Salaries
1.1 The considerations on which the minimum salary in case of the
lowest Group ‘C’ functionary and the maximum salary in case of a
Secretary level officer may be determined and what should be the
reasonable ratio between the two.
1.2 What should be the
considerations for determining salary for various levels of functions
falling between the highest level and the lowest level functionaries?
2. Comparisons
2.1 Should there be any comparison/parity between pay scales and
perquisites between Government and the private sector? If so, why? If
not, why not?
2.2 Should there at all be any comparison/parity
between pay scales and perquisites between Government and the public
sector? If so, why? If not, why not?
2.3 The concept of variable
pay has been introduced in Central Public Sector Enterprises by the
Second Pay Revision Committee. In the case of the Government is there
merit in introducing a variable component of pay? Can such variable pay
be linked to performance?
3. Attracting Talent 3.1 Does the
present compensation package attract suitable talent in the All India
Services & Group A Services? What are your observations and
suggestions in this regard?
3.2 To what extent should government compensation be structured to attract special talent?
4. Pay Scales
4.1 The 6th Central Pay Commission introduced the system of Pay Bands
and Grade Pay as against the system of specific pay scales attached to
various posts. What has been the impact of running pay bands post
implementation of 6th CPC recommendations?
4.2 Is there any need to bring about any change?
4.3 Did the pay bands recommended by the Sixth CPC help in arresting exodus and attract talent towards the Government?
4.4 Successive Pay Commissions have reduced the number of pay scales by
merging one or two pay scales together. Is there a case for the number
of pay scales/ pay band to be rationalized and if so in what manner?
4.5 Is the “grade pay” concept working? If not, what are your alternative suggestions?
5. Increment 5.1 Whether the present system of annual increment on 1st July of every year uniformly in case of all employees has served its purpose or not? Whether any changes are required? 5.2 What should be the reasonable quantum of annual increment?
5.3 Whether there should be a provision of variable increments at a
rate higher than the normal annual increment in case of high achievers?
If so, what should be transparent and objective parameters to assess
high achievement, which could be uniformly applied across Central
5.4 Under the MACP scheme three financial
up-gradations are allowed on completion of 10, 20, 30 years of regular
service, counted from the direct entry grade. What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the scheme? Is there a perception that a scheme of this
nature, in some Departments, actually incentivizes people who do not
wish to take the more arduous route of qualifying departmental
examinations/ or those obtaining professional degrees?
6. Performance What kind of incentives would you suggest to recognize and reward good performance?
7. Impact on other organizations
Salary structures in the Central and State Governments are broadly
similar. The recommendations of the Pay Commission are likely to lead to
similar demands from employees of State Governments, municipal bodies,
panchayati raj institutions & autonomous institutions. To what
extent should their paying capacity be considered in devising a
reasonable remuneration package for Central Govt. employees?
8. Defence Forces
8.1 What should be the considerations for fixing salary in case of
Defence personnel and in what manner does the parity with civil services
need to be evolved, keeping in view their respective job profiles?
8.2 In what manner should the concessions and facilities, both in cash
and kind, be taken into account for determining salary structure in case
of Defence Forces personnel.
8.3 As per the November 2008
orders of the Ministry of Defence, there are a total of 45 types of
allowances for Personnel Below Officer Rank and 39 types of allowances
for Officers. Does a case exist for rationalization/ streamlining of the
current variety of allowances?
8.4 What are the options available for addressing the increasing expenditure on defence pensions?
8.5 As a measure of special recognition, is there a case to review the present benefits provided to war widows?
8.6 As a measure of special recognition, is there a case to review the
present benefits provided to disabled soldiers, commensurate to the
nature of their disability?
9. Allowances 9.1 Whether the
existing allowances need to be retained or rationalized in such a manner
as to ensure that salary structure takes care not only of the job
profile but the situational factors as well, so that the number of
allowances could be at a realistic level? 9.2 What should be the principles to determine payment of House Rent Allowance?
10. Pension
10.1 The retirement benefits of all Central Government employees
appointed on or after 1.1.2004 a re covered by the New Pension Scheme
(NPS). What has been the experience of the NPS in the last decade?
10.2 As far as pre-1.1.2004 appointees are concerned, what should be
the principles that govern the structure of pension and other retirement
11. Strengthening the public governance system
11.1 The 6th CPC recommended upgrading the skills of the Group D
employees and placing them in Group C over a period of time. What has
been the experience in this regard?
11.2 In what way can Central
Government organizations functioning be improved to make them more
efficient, accountable and responsible? Please give specific suggestions
with respect to:
a) Rationalisation of staff strength and more productive deployment of available staff;
b) Rationalisation of processes and reduction of paper work; and
c) Economy in expenditure.
12. Training/ building competence 12.1 How would you interpret the concept of “competency based framework”?
One of the terms of reference suggests that the Commission recommend
appropriate training and capacity building through a competency based
a) Is the present level of training at various stages
of a person’s career considered adequate? Are there gaps that need to
be filled, and if so, where?
b) Should it be made compulsory
that each civil service officer should in his career span acquire a
professional qualification? If so, can the nature of the study, time
intervals and the Institution(s) whose qualification are acceptable, all
be stipulated?
c) What other indicators can best measure
training and capacity building for personnel in your organization?
Please suggest ways through which capacity building can be further
13. Outsourcing 13.1 What has been the experience of outsourcing at various levels of Government and is there a case for streamlining it?
13.2 Is there a clear identification of jobs that can be outsourced?
14. Regulatory Bodies
14.1 Kindly list out the Regulators set up unde r Acts of Parliament,
related to your Ministry/ Department. The total number of personnel on
rolls (Chairperson and members + support personnel) may be indicated.
14.2 Regulators that may not qualify in terms of being set up under
Acts of Parliament but perform regulatory functions may also be listed.
The scale of pay for Chairperson /Members and other personnel of such
bodies may be indicated.
14.3 Across the Government there are a
host of Regulatory bodies set up for various purposes. What are your
suggestions regarding emoluments structure for Regulatory bodies?
15. Payment of Bonus
One of the terms of reference of the 7th Pay Commission is to examine
the existing schemes of payment of bonus. What are your suggestions and observations in this regard? |