(to SB Order No.14/2015
Dated 19.10.2015)
Role of SBCO in CBS environment.
In the CBS Environment,
following procedure will be followed by Post Offices and SBCO Officials for Transactions happened in CBS Post
1. General
As and when SOs are
migrated to CBS, staff working in SOSB Branch should be reduced and re-deployed
either at POSB Counters or at CPC or in the SBCO Branch for assistance in
physical voucher checking.
Incharge SBCO will
identify one SBCO PA who will take vouchers bundles with consolidation from Sub
Account and tally totals shown in consolidation with amount shown in SO Daily
Account and SO Summary.
Handling of Agent
Commission Schedules and ACG-17 by SBCO will be discontinued. ACG-17 will be
preserved alongwith Agent Commission Report/schedule in the Accounts Branch of
HPO and sent to PAO alongwith other schedules.
In case of RD deposits
accepted through MPKBY Agents, only two copies of Agent LOT is to be taken from
the agent alongwith pay-in-slip and ACG-17. One copy of Agent LOT will be kept
in the office guard file and second copy Agent schedule (LOT) should be
attached with the pay-in-slip and placed at the end of RD Voucher Bundle.ACG-17
is to be attached with the Agent Commission Report/schedule and sent to Accounts
Branch of HO.
Account Opening Form
(SB-3/AOF) where KYC documents are attached will not be transferred to SBCO
alongwith Account Closure Voucher. APM/SPM should record on the closed vouchers
that “ SB-3/AOF retained with KYC documents”. In case of any SB-3 or AOF with
whom KYC documents are not attached (subsequently opened accounts), SB-3 or AOF
is to be attached with the closed voucher and sent to SBCO. SBSO branch of HOs
will send all SB-3 of SOs (migrated to CBS) to the respective SOs. In case of
Accounts closed at the Post Office other than the one where account was opened,
Account Transfer Form collected by the Post Office at the time of closure should
be attached with the closure voucher.
In case of any adjustment if required in
interest, Postmaster/Sub Postmaster will write error book and raise the issue to
Head Postmaster who will raise the issue with Incharge SBCO. In case of any
adjustment related to pre-migration period, Head Postmaster will raise the
issue with Divisional Head with copy of error book who will after necessary
inquiry (if required), approve adjustment and send letter to SBCO Incharge.
Postmaster/APM/SPM will
be held personally responsible for all transactions happened in the Finacle
Office Accounts in the post office. They should be vigilant while verifying the
transactions to see the Office Account Number used by the User.
2. Change
in procedure of Sealing of Vouchers and LOT by CBS Post Offices
Post Office staff will write name of
Scheme and TRAN ID in red ink on the right hand side of the voucher.
One deposit slip and one withdrawal slip
will be prepared for auto-credit of MIS/SCSS/TD to Savings and Savings to RD.
One deposit slip will be prepared for
the total of each type of Agent commission credited into savings accounts supported
by consolidated list of commission paid.
One withdrawal slip will be prepared by
SPM/APM for the POSB Cheque clearing amount ( based on the clearing amount
intimated to Clearing House/HO) and print out of cheque’s images should be
attached to it.
At the closing of counter hours, all
vouchers should be sorted scheme-wise and TRAN ID wise. Vouchers should be
tallied with LOT shown in the system by Counter PA and Supervisor.
A consolidation of the scheme should be
generated and printed by all CBS post offices. Where laser printers are not
available, while executing command in HFINRPT, user has to select “XLS” instead
of “PDF” (which is shown by default) in
the field “Output File Name”. Then report can be printed on Dot Matrix printer.
All vouchers including closed vouchers
are to be sealed alongwith print out of consolidation. One copy of
consolidation (scheme-wise) is to be preserved in post office in guard file to
be maintained scheme-wise and date-wise. APM/SPM will sign the consolidation
and write the amount in words and figures alongwith No. of Deposit/Withdrawal
vouchers included in the bundle. If any manual correction is made, it should be
supported by copy of error book (one copy to be attached with voucher, one copy
with office copy of consolidation and one copy to be sent to Divisional Office.
3. Overview
of Proposed work of SBCO
After implementation of CBS
Postal Manual of SB Control
Receipt of Returns
be discontinued. SBCO PA will receive Vouchers and Consolidations of SOs
directly from Sub Account and APM (SB) HO Counter for HO.
Rule -3
Checking List of Transactions [SB -60/76]
remain continued as at present. SBCO has to match account number on LOT (to
be viewed from Finacle) and account number on voucher and if there is any
difference, print out of LOT may be taken and objection should be raised.
Rule – 4
Un-posted Items
Not applicable
Rule – 6
Register of Non-cash transactions
SB-62 [a]/85 [a]
Not applicable
Rule – 7
Register of Office wise [SB-63/RD85]
Not applicable
Rule – 8 & 10
Consolidated Journal of all the
Schemes *
to be separately prepared for CBS Post Offices (if all SOs are not migrated)
by SBCO for the purpose of tallying totals of SOs with SO Summary and HO with
HO Summary.Total amount has to be added below Consolidated Journal of Sanchaya
Post received from SOSB and tallied with HO Cash Book.
Rule – 9 *
General check of vouchers &
checking of vouchers
Will remain continued as at present
Rule – 11 & 15
Checking of Non-cash Transactions
Not applicable
Rule – 12
Revival of Accounts pre 01.01.2003
Not applicable
Rule – 12 [3]
Objection Register
Will remain continued without any
Rule – 13
Reporting of Minus balance
Not applicable
Rule – 13 [2]
Verification of binder balances
Not applicable
Rule – 14
Checking of Annual Interest
Not applicable
Rule – 16
Preparation of Interest cum Silent
Accounts *
Report taken from Finacle is to be
compiled and Only summary will be required to be sent to DAP.
Rule – 16*
Annual Listing balances RD/MIS/TD/SCSS
Not applicable.
Rule – 38
Silent Account Revival Procedure
Not applicable
Rule – 17 (3)
Un-used Cheque Foils
Continued as it is.
Rule – 18
Un-deliverable & spoilt Pass books
Continued as it is.
Rule – 19
Statistical Register
Only non financial part will be
Rule – 20
Custody and preservation of records
Continued as it is (without LOT).
Rule – 25
Monthly progress Report
Not applicable.
Rule -
Checking of Agents Commission bill
Not applicable
Submission of returns to AO & DAP *
Only Statistical Register (non
financial)and Interest Summary will be continued. *
Rule - 40
*This will be
discontinued once CSI and FSI both are rolled out in all Post Offices.
4 Mode of handling of work
Receipt of Vouchers
Checking List of Transactions
In system&
print out is to be taken only if there is any objection.
Consolidated Journal*
In MS Excel.*
General check of vouchers &
checking of vouchers
Manual & In
Objection Register
Reporting of Minus balance
Not applicable
Verification of office wise balances
Not applicable
Checking of Annual Interest
Not applicable
Preparation of Interest statement*
Only grand
summary will be prepared manually/MS Excel (not in system) *
Annual Listing balances RD/MIS/TD/SCSS
Not applicable.
Un-used Cheque Foils
Un-deliverable & spoilt Pass books
Statistical Register*
Custody and preservation of records
Monthly progress Report
Not applicable
Checking of Agents Commission bill
Not applicable
Submission of returns to DAP *
*This will be
discontinued once CSI and FSI both are rolled out in all Post Offices.
5. Proposed duties of SBCO PA/Supervisor
5.1 Examination of
scheme-wise consolidation received from HO and SOs.
5.2 Checking of entries in
LOTs viewed from Finacle MIS server and checking the daily/ progressive totals
in the Cash Book and general check of vouchers.
5.3 Writing of Objections
and maintenance of Objection Registers.
5.4 Entries of Interest Adjustments in Finacle and maintenance of
Interest Adjustment Register.
5.5 Unused Cheque Foils.
5.6 Undelivered/Spoiled Passbooks.
5.7 Maintenance of Statistical Registers (non financial)
5.8 Submission of Returns
5.9 Requisition of Vouchers for Inquiry.
5.10 Safe Custody of Keys.
5.11 Preservation of Record.
5.12 Any other work which
may be entrusted by the Supervisor/Divisional Head/AO(ICO) and through any
subsequent order issued from time to time.
Examination of scheme-wise consolidation received from HO and
SOs, Checking of entries in LOTs viewed from Finacle MIS server and checking
the daily/ progressive totals in the Cash Book.
5.1.1 SBCO PA
The designated Postal
Assistant SBCO will receive Scheme-wise sealed and stitched Voucher Bundles
with Consolidation placed at the top from Sub Account PA and tally the amount
shown in the consolidation with SO Daily Account.
Voucher Bundle of HO will be
received from APM(SB) of HO Counter and amount shown in the consolidation
should be tallied with the HO Summary.
All Voucher Bundles of each scheme will be handed over to Incharge SBCO.
5.1.2 SBCO
SBCO Incharge will examine the voucher bundles and verify
that the Scheme-wise Consolidation bears signatures and designation stamp of
the Supervisor (APM)/Sub Postmaster and number of vouchers written on the
consolidation are tallied with number of vouchers attached with the bundle.
will countersign each consolidation and mark to concerned SBCO PA as per
workload and availability of staff.
In case of any shortcoming, he will write
objection and send copy of objection to the Postmaster.
Checking of entries in LOTs viewed from Finacle MIS server and
checking the daily/ progressive totals in the Cash Book and general check of
vouchers. Following checks should be exercised:-
5.2.1 SBCO Incharge
Incharge SBCO, before handing over consolidation and voucher
bundle to SBCO PA, should prepare consolidation in MSEXCEL* for each scheme for
CBS Offices.
He can download consolidation from Finacle (in MSEXCEL)* by
selecting SOL SET ID as input criteria and remove the data of SOs from where
vouchers are not received on that day and add data of those SOs from where
vouchers are received but these are not in the excel (due to transit).
He will
struck total and if all SOs and HO are in CBS, the total will be tallied with
the Cash Book and progressive totals will be entered manually.
If all offices
are not in CBS, totals of CBS Offices should be manually entered at the end of
Sanchay Post Consolidation at the end and totals are to be tallied with cash
book as usual.(where there is no transit, consolidation can be generated from
Finacle by entering set id as input criteria.)
*Once CSI and FSI are
rolled out all over India, this activity will be discontinued.
5.2.2 SBCO PA
On receipt of Voucher Bundle and Consolidation, SBCO will login
to MIS server and view LOT of the concerned office from Finacle Application and
execute following checks:-
(i) The entries in
the vouchers are complete and
there are no suspicious erasures and alterations.
(ii) The date stamp of
the office has been affixed
on the voucher.
(iii) The application
for withdrawal bears the
signature of the depositor.
(iv) The warrant of payment bears the signature
the Postmaster in token of having authorized
the payment.
(v) There is acquaintance of the depositor or
messenger on the warrant of payment in token
of having received the amount.
(vi) The identification
of the depositor, wherever
taken, is in proper form.
(vii) In the case of illiterate depositor, the
impression has been attested on both the sides
of the voucher.
(viii) Whether the amount
of deposit/withdrawal/Interest/Default Fee/Rebate etc. as shown in the
Pay-in-Slip and Withdrawal Form/Cheque/Account Closure Form by the post office and the depositor agrees
with that in the List Of Transactions (viewed from Finacle MIS server).
shown on the voucher and value date shown in LOT is same and if there is a
difference in both, it is supported by proper error extract or approval of
competent authority (except in case of clearing entries).
If there is any
difference, full transaction should be checked in Finacle through HTI and
objection should be raised if required.
While sending copy of the objection to
Postmaster of HPO, print out of LOT/Screen Shot of HTI should be taken and
(ix) That in case of
withdrawal exceeding Rs. 5000/- the signature of the depositor on the
withdrawal form has been attested by two postal officials except in Single Handed Offices (list of
Single Handed offices to be taken from the Divisional Head by Incharge SBCO).
(x) In case of transactions by cheque, the
rules relating to cheques have been observed.
In case of CTS clearing, image of
the cheque should be treated equivalent to the hard copy of the cheques.
(xi) The vouchers do
not bear any erasure or over-writing.
5.3. Writing of Objections and maintenance of
5.3.1 Any irregularity
noticed will be entered in clear and concise words in the Register and copy of
objection should be sent to Postmaster of HPO supported by printed copy of
LOT/Finacle screen.
5.3.2 If the irregularity
relating to a transaction is such as would affect its validity e.g., if there
is erasure or overwriting or the depositor's acquaintance is wanting, the
amount involved should be placed under objection. Vouchers once received by the
Control Organization should not be given back to the Head Office.
5.3.3 Every irregularity
should be brought to the notice of the Postmaster for necessary action.
5.3.4 Incharge SBCO will
write to Head of Postal division in case of those objections where inquiry is
required and those which are not settled within 30 days.
5.4 Entries of Interest Adjustments in
Finacle and maintenance of Interest Adjustment Register.
Incharge SBCO will maintain
Interest Adjustment Register manually and execute Interest Adjustments in
Finacle through HIARM menu after getting approval from the competent authority.
Details of interest adjustments
will be communicated to PAO (DAP) with copy to AO(ICO) on monthly basis.
5.5 Unused Cheque Foils
5.5.1 If the depositor of the
cheque account closes his account or ceases to avail of the cheque facilities,
the Postmaster will take over from him the cheque book containing unused
cheques. Counter Supervisor will cancel each cheque under his dated signatures
and designation stamp.
At the close of the day the Postmaster will transfer the partly
used cheque books to the Control Organization duly entered in the voucher list.
The Incharge SBCO will verify that all unused cheque foils have
been cancelled by Counter Supervisor and keep them in his personal custody. In
case of any missing cancellation, Supervisor will cancel the cheque under his
own signatures.
The Control Organization will enter the particulars of unused
cheques in a manuscript register in the following form after noting the date of
receipt on the top. The serial number of the register will be in an annual
series starting from No. 1 in April.
These cheque leaves should be destroyed during inspection of
AO(ICO) in his presence.
5.6 Undelivered/Spoiled Passbooks/Will Follow items
5.6.1 As and when a fresh
pass book is issued in lieu of a spoilt one, spoilt pass book will be
transferred by the Head Office to the Control Organization duly entered in the
Savings Bank voucher list.
The Control Organization
will enter the particulars of the spoilt pass books in a manuscript register in
the following form.
The Serial No. in the register will be in an annual series
starting from No. 1 in April. The pass books will be kept in an almirah in the
personal custody of the Supervisor.
If for any reason, a voucher does not accompany the list/of
transactions, the remark "will follow" must have been noted by the
head office against the relevant entry.
In case such a remark has not been noted by the head office, the
official should bring this to the notice of the Postmaster immediately without
damaging the seal on the bundle of vouchers.
An entry should also be made in the "Register of vouchers
not received" in form prescribed (Annexure 3 of Rule 4 of Postal Manual of
SB Control) and the Serial number of the entry in the register should be noted
against the relevant account number in the list of transactions .
Statistical Registers (Non
5.7.1 The Supervisor/PA
incharge Control Organization will at the end of each month will generate
Statistical report with HO SOL Set ID (non financial) from Finacle MIS server.
If all Post Offices under HO are on CBS, copy of the report should be sent to
PAO and AO(ICO) and if some offices are in CBS, totals of this report should be
added while sending Statistical Report to PAO(DAP).
Note:- Non- financial means statistical information of
number of accounts and number of transactions etc.
5.8 Submission of Returns*
Sl. No.
Particular of
Office to which due
Due date
Copy of the statistical register (non
financial if all Post Offices in CBS)
Postal Accounts Office
By the 10th of the
following month
of Silent Accounts
to be taken from Finacle Application)
By the 10th of the
following month
Interest Summary
the month of April.
* Once CSI Data Warehousing solution will be in place and
DAPs/AO(ICO) are also online , these reports need not to be sent by SBCO as
these reports can be viewed on line by
Requisition of Vouchers
for Inquiry
May be given to the Divisional Supdt/Postmaster under receipt.
Requisition be signed personally by the Divisional
If any voucher is required for investigation by the police, the
police should send the application to the Head of the Postal Circle.
keeping an a nested copy
of the voucher in its place, the voucher should be delivered to the Police
authorities after getting the copy of the voucher attested by the officer
The voucher/document should be sent by insured post when it
cannot be conveniently transferred by hand under receipt.
Record of the vouchers given be maintained in a separate
register and case pursued by the C.O. to obtain back the voucher/document.
When the voucher/document is received back, it is kept in its
proper place by the in charge SBCO The requisition slip and the attested copy
will be removed and kept in a separate file. The bundle will be again resealed.
The vouchers/documents required to be preserved in connection
with fraud cases will be made over to the Divisional Supdt till the
finalization of case and need not be preserved by the SBCO.
Note:- It is not open
to Postmasters, Inspectors, etc. to see in person or to call back any record or
document except on a written requisition. Whenever any voucher or document is
required by these officers, the same may be obtained on a written requisition
5.10 Safe custody of Keys,
The duplicate keys of steel almirahs, etc. supplied to S.B.C.O.
will be kept by the A.O.ICO(SB) in his personal custody.
The Supervisor SBCO will send all the duplicate keys by parcel
post registered and insured for Rs. 100 to the A.O.ICO(SB) after entering their
number in a list to be prepared in triplicate.
When the original key is
lost by the SBCO the matter will be reported to the A.O.ICO(SB) who will
authorize the issue of duplicate key. The A.O. will make necessary entries in
the register and attest them.
The duplicate key will be sent by parcel post registered and
insured for Rs.100.
5.11 Preservation
of Record
VOUCHERS with Consolidation - 5
OBJECTION REGISTER - 2 Years after settlement of all
Interest Adjustment Register - 5 Years.