Sunday 19 January 2014

System Administrators Case - News from NFPE CHQ

   The demand for creation of a separate cadre for System Administrators has been discussed several times with the Department. Last discussion was held in the JCM, Departmental Council meeting and Cadre Restructuring Committee. Department has made it clear that existing System Administrators are not going to be benefited even if a separate cadre is created and also pointed out certain other adverse aspects of the case.

The main points of the Department are: 

(1) In the Recruitment Rules for creating separate cadre Government (DOP & T) will fix higher technical qualifications for the post. 
(2) Government (DOP & T) will not agree for absorption of existing System Administrators and instead go for direct recruitment as per the Recruitment Rules. 
(3) Even if a cadre is created there is no much promotional scope in the same cadre as the promotional posts will be very less. Just like Postmaster Cadre they will not get general line promotion and also cannot writ IP & PSS Group B exams. 

In view of the above all Circle/Divisional Secretaries are requested to inform their views on the following points.

(1) Whether we should still stick to our demand for separate cadre 
(2) Instead whether we should demand special pay or some other benefits for the existing System Administrators. 

The issue will be again discussed on the next meeting of the Cadre Restructuring Committee to be held on 04-02-2014. 

Send your views by email to before 02-02-2014.
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